
Monday, April 29, 2019

Draft of shot list still in development as It depends on the replies of the guests

Shot list: 
Text shots of youth insider 
Shot of EU and UK flag torn apart 
panning shot of Harry 
Long range panning shot of Norwich from the castle  
Long shot of the castle 
Long shot of the cathedral  
Long range shot of presenter walking towards the camera 
Medium range shot of presenter against the fence over Norwich  
Medium shot of Harry talking to the camera 
Close up shot of Harry researching the EU referendum  
Close up of Harry researching on the computer  
Medium shot of presenter walking into a wall (not freedom of movement) 
Medium shot of fresh vegetables in super market (Tariffs on custom union) 
Shot of polling station (Harry unable to vote) 
Medium range shot of presenter against the fence over Norwich  
Long shot of the city hall 
Long shot of Broadland council 
Shot of harry walking around Norwich  
Shot of guests 
Shot of harry medium shot 
Medium Over shoulder shot of guest 
Medium shot of Harry 
Medium Over shoulder shot of guest 
Medium shot of Harry 
over shoulder medium shot of guest  
medium shot of Harry 
Cut to over shoulder medium shot of guest  

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