
Monday, April 29, 2019

Draft for my script: still in development as It depends on the replies of the guests


Interviewer: [Shot of walking to camera] “Hi I’m Harry and I’m a 17-year-old from Norwich and I’m here to take you on my adventure on something which will affect the rest of my life.

[Shot against fence] You might be wondering what that is, it’s
something you have probably had a neck full of in the last few
months that’s its Brexit.

[Research shot] You might be wondering why a 17-year-old
boy is presenting a documentary on the EU referendum,

[Shot of statistics research and who it will affect] well unlike some of the older generation this referendum will affect me the most as

[Shot researching effects of Brexit] I’m the generation which will grow up with the effects of us leaving the Eu

[shot of Harry walking into a wall] from not having the freedom of movement to

[Shot of Harry in supermarket] increased tariffs on things like fresh food without being in a custom union.

[Shot of Harry walking away from Polling station] But unlike the generations above me I was too young to vote or influence it even though it will affect me the most.
[Shot of fence] So today I will be finding out why the leave campaign won and

[ Shot of city hall] how the inner city voted

[Shot of Broadland council] to the outer suburbs and why both
voted differently.

[Shot of harry walking around Norwich] I will be going on an information adventure

[Shot of Local MP] questioning my local MPs Clive Lewis and Karren Davis why did the leave campaign win?
Why did the inner city vote 56% to remain? [Guest response] why
did Broadland vote 54% to leave? [Guest response]. Why do you
think the rest of Norfolk voted to leave? [Guest response] Why do
you think the leave campaign eventually won? [Guest response]

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