
Monday, April 1, 2019

Investigation into similar products: Has Political Correctness Gone Mad?

Has Political Correctness Gone Mad?

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Is a program discussing the debate about free speech and offending minorities about religion sexuality and immigration. It talks about how liberal media is stifling debate as it could be considered racist which has seen the rise of extremist right and left which are sick of their ideas being suppressed as it might offend someone. The documentary goes onto interview people like Nigel Farage and leading feminists but also other people from minorities and people who stand up for minorities. The programs also does tasks with the public like who offensive certain phrases were. The program discusses the views of people who want freedom of speech but also people who are very pro liberal and "safe spaces" and example of this was the leader of a university union who tried to get a Mexican restaurant to stop handing out sombreros as it would be offensive to Mexicans. The programs tries to show that people should be able to debate ideas instead of just being branded as a racist because you said "she's just having a paddy" because it could be racist towards Irish people. While also trying to say that you shouldn't say extremely offensive things that are just trying to harm someone due to their religion, race or sexuality. The program does have some characteristics of a documentary like interviews and tasks with the public it also tries to solve the question and see multiple peoples opinions while implementing the views of the interviewer and his own journey.

The program uses a variety of camera angles and shots from close ups to long range shots, for example the interviewer slowly walking towards the camera down a path with the video being slowed with the narrative put over the top.
The program also uses close ups to show the feeling of the interviewers face.

The scenes for most of the shots are either outdoors in the city manly next to the road or in small conference rooms for the interviews.
The documentary has fairly basic editing which just showing a variety of camera angles mainly for the interviews and also to insert narrative over cinematic shots like there is a shot of the road with cars going passed with the narrative over the top. The show also has some previous footage from conferences. 

The program mainly interviews white British people to try and get their opinion from people who believe in free speech to extreme liberals who believe that we should all be PC and safe spaces to prevent people from getting offended. The interviewer seems to have a conservative view that people are too easily offended and how we should debate these things instead of just labeling people racists and bigots because they said that a woman becoming a man can never be a true man, which came from a well known feminist and civil rights activist. The program shows that doing this is hiding peoples opinions and growing the desire for the alt right which is shown in the growing support for Donald Trump and Le Pen. The program mainly covers white but in some of the public activities it includes people from other races and some of the quick interviews include other races mainly being Irish. The program is manly set in Manchester and London but also have sets in pubs and other places.The ideology of the program seems to be quite conservative which is strange for a program from channel 4 which tends to have a pro left agenda.
 The documentary is produced by outline productions which mainly focuses on nature, cooking and business documentaries so producing a program about politics is something different for them, they are independent and seem to have a pro left leaning like the documentary and the distribution company channel 4. Channel 4 usually presents different ideas to it's contemporaries like BBC and ITV which is what the program is trying to bring across as it brings up topics which are usually hidden away or as the show says "Stifled by liberals to prevent debate".

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